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South Korea's FLC buys at least 65,000 T corn in personal deal, traders say

South Korea's Feed Leaders Committee (FLC) bought around 65,000 to 70,000 metric lots of animal feed corn in a private offer on Thursday without releasing a global tender, European traders said.

It was anticipated to be sourced from the United States or South America.

The corn was bought at an estimated $235.90 a lot expense and freight (c&& f) consisted of with an additional $1.50 a tonne surcharge for additional port unloading. Seller was thought to be trading house CHS.

It was for arrival in South Korea around April 20. If sourced from the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast, shipment was between March 8 and April 5.

Reports reflect evaluations from traders and further price quotes of rates and volumes are still possible later.

The offer followed brisk corn purchasing by Korean importers on Wednesday amidst lingering concern about dryness destructive corn crops in Argentina and ahead of regular monthly world farming supply and demand estimates from the U.S. Department of

(source: Reuters)