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Algeria purchases at least 450,000 t wheat in tender from traders

Initial assessments by European traders indicate that Algeria's state grain agency OAIC bought at least 450 000 metric tons milling wheat on Wednesday in a global tender.

They said that the cost of a metric tonne, including freight and transportation (c&f), was around $268.50.

Initially, the exact size of the order in terms of tonnage was not clear. Estimates ranged between 450,000 and 650 000 tons. 450,000 tons were repeatedly mentioned as a minimum purchase.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

Algeria frequently purchases much more than the nominal volume. The sellers are free to choose from a variety of approved origins for their wheat.

The traders initially thought that the majority of the wheat they purchased would come from the Black Sea Region, especially Ukraine. Some Romanian and Bulgarian wheat could also be provided.

France, which is a regular wheat supplier to Algeria, wasn't expected to be the source of wheat.

Market talk has it that Algeria is tacitly refusing to purchase French wheat, despite the fact that French wheat was reportedly offered in the Wednesday tender.

Wheat was requested for shipment from two main regions, including Europe: May 16-31 and May 1-15. The shipment date is one month sooner if the wheat comes from South America or Australia. Reporting by Gus Trompiz from Paris and Michael Hogan from Hamburg. Mark Potter is the editor.

(source: Reuters)