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Algeria purchases milling wheat at tender, traders claim

Initial assessments by European traders indicate that Algeria's state grain agency OAIC bought milling wheat at an international auction which closed on Tuesday.

They reported that the average purchase price was $268.50 per metric ton, including freight and cost.

Initial estimates did not specify the exact size of the order in terms of tonnage. Initial estimates varied between 500,000 to 650,000 metric tonnes.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

Algeria usually buys much more than a nominal volume of 50,000 tons. Wheat can be supplied from any approved origin.

Wheat is shipped in two phases from the main regions of supply, including Europe: 1-15 May and 16-31 May. The shipment date is one month sooner if the wheat comes from South America or Australia. Reporting by Gus Trompiz, Paris and Michael Hogan, Hamburg

(source: Reuters)