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Singapore allows bunker tanks to carry up to B30 marine Biofuel

A circular issued by the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore showed that all licensed bunker tanks operating in Singapore's port are allowed to transport and deliver marine biofuel blended up to 30% (B30).

Tankers with conventional engines were allowed to carry up to 24% biofuel blended.

According to the MPA circular, the move was made in accordance with the update of the latest requirements for the carriage of biofuel mixtures under the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships.

The MPA will continue to require that bunker suppliers and craft owners seek approval from its Standards and Investigation Marine Fuels department (SIMF), to supply biofuels in blends greater than 30%.

Marine biofuel bunker deliveries have increased in recent years at major bunker hubs such as Singapore and Rotterdam, as shipowners look for ways to reduce emissions by using cleaner alternatives. (Reporting and editing by Varun H. K.; Jeslyn. Lerh.)

(source: Reuters)