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The LME's available Russian-origin aluminum stocks rose in January

LME data on Monday showed that the number of Russian-made aluminium in London Metal Exchange storage warehouses was up in January compared to December. The amount of Indian metal, however, fell.

According to traders, the majority of the aluminium in LME registered warehouses at Port Klang in Malaysia is of Indian origin. This is what Western consumers are looking for, as many have refused to purchase metal made in Russia after it invaded Ukraine almost three years ago.

Stocks of aluminium with Russian origin, or those on warrant At the end January, the total reached 164 475 metric tonnes, or 67%, as compared to 163,450 tons, or 56%, at the end December.

The remaining Russian aluminum warrants - title documents which confer ownership - have been cancelled. This means that they are destined to leave the LME System.

The LME has not banned Russian metal produced before April of last year. Many companies that held Russian aluminium had deposited their stock in LME storage facilities, with a large portion of them in Gwangyang, South Korea.

The number of cancelled warrants and metals marked for delivery in ISTIM UK’s LME approved warehouses at Port Klang was 234,900 tonnes. LME data indicated that the waiting list to receive this metal at end-January was 166 day.

LME data revealed that at ISTIM's Gwangyang warehouses, there were 97,750 tonnes of cancelled warrants and 81 days in the queue for load-out at the end of January. In December, there was no queue at this location.

At the end of January, Indian-origin aluminum accounted for 31% of all on-warrant stock in the LME System, down from 120 225 tons and 40% at the end December.

About half of the LME's available stocks were copper and nickel. (Reporting and editing by Kevin Liffey; Polina Devtt)

(source: Reuters)