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Iraq invites international oil companies to Kurdistan for discussions

Iraq's Ministry of Oil announced on Saturday that it had invited international companies under the umbrella of the Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan, (APIKUR), as well as firms contracted by the Kurdistan Regional Government to a Baghdad meeting on March 4.

The ministry stated that the talks will address existing contract issues and look for agreements aligned with international best practices in oilfield development, while protecting national interests.

Discussions are also expected to be held with the Kurdistan Region Ministry of Natural Resources, as part of ongoing efforts to streamline oil activities between Baghdad & Erbil.

Baghdad had announced that oil exports would resume through Turkey's Ceyhan soon. However, eight international oil companies operating in Iraq's semiautonomous Kurdistan said on Friday they will not do so.

The government announced on Friday that it would announce the resumption of exports in the next few hours. An initial amount 185,000 barrels per daily (bpd), exported via state oil marketer SOMO, and this quantity gradually increasing.

APIKUR, which represents 60 percent of the production in the region said that no formal contact was made to clarify commercial agreements or guarantee payment for past and future sales. Reporting by Muhammad Al Gebaly, Writing by Tala RAMADAN; Editing by David Evans

(source: Reuters)