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Czech Minister: Payment issues are behind Russian suspension of oil supply via Druzhba Pipeline, Czech minister claims

The Czech Industry Minister was quoted as saying that the halt of oil supplies from Russia to the Czech Republic via the Druzhba Pipeline on Tuesday is due to payments issues between the Polish owner of Czech refineries and Russian suppliers.

The Czech Republic is planning

to end

It was only in the middle of 2018 that Russia reestablished its long-standing oil ties with Iran.


Why flows were stopped on Tuesday?

Transneft, the Russian oil pipeline operator, did not reply to a comment request.

In December, Russia briefly stopped supplying via pipeline due to a dispute.


The interruption this week forced Polish Orlen's refiner Unipetrol to ask for state reserves.

The refinery has been operating at full capacity and Lukas Vlcek, the Minister of Industry, said in a press release on Tuesday that there is no danger of shortages.

He told Czech Television that payment issues were the cause of the supply halt, late Tuesday.

He said, "I know that some payments between Orlen's Russian suppliers and Orlen are not being processed."

Orlen didn't immediately respond to Wednesday's request for comment.

The company stated on Tuesday that it operated according to sanctions laws and regulations. However, they did not provide any comment as to why oil supply was halted.

Vlcek said that if the Druzhba pipeline was shut down for a prolonged period, the country would switch to the upgraded TAL pipe.

The Czech Republic imports Russian oil through Druzhba, and other crudes using the TAL pipeline. This is a major oil artery that runs from Trieste in Italy to Central Europe via Germany.

The Czech Republic will no longer need to import Russian crude oil due to the capacity upgrades.

(source: Reuters)