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Tanker reports attack off Yemen's Hodeidah, UKMTO says

The oil items tanker Sounion reported being assaulted by 2 small boats and struck by three projectiles in the Red Sea off Yemen on Wednesday, the United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) stated.

There were no casualties reported amongst the 25 crew members onboard but the Greek-flagged vessel stated it was no longer under command, UKMTO included.

The vessel reported being approached by two little craft with approximately 15 individuals onboard and a quick exchange of small arms fire, UKMTO stated.

The exchange took place 77 nautical miles west of Yemen's. port of Hodeidah, it said.

British security company Ambrey independently reported an incident. in the same location however did not supply further detail.

The company operating the tanker was not immediately. available for remark.

(source: Reuters)