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Boeing's issues a 'problem' for whole sector, Jet executive says

Security and quality issues exposed at Boeing following a door plug blowout previously this year risk shaking tourists' self-confidence in flying, a magnate at competing Jet stated.

Christian Scherer, CEO of Jet' Industrial Aircraft business, informed German weekly magazine WirtschaftsWoche that the concerns were a burden for the whole industry.

Boeing's issues could trigger more individuals to question how safe flying actually is, Scherer was priced estimate as saying.

Boeing has been under installing pressure over factory controls given that Jan. 5, when a door plug in mid-flight tore off a. jet of its very popular 737 MAX series in an event blamed on. missing bolts.

Scherer rejected claims that Airplane might raise its own jet. costs as an outcome of Boeing's issues, including that pricing was. directing simply by need outstripping supply and that it was. hard to forecast how things would work out in the future.

I attempt state that an ailing competitor can behave in a. relatively unforeseeable manner. If a company has dozens of. airplanes in stock involuntarily, it might start a major sell-off..

(source: Reuters)