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California drives United States battery storage development in power systems: Maguire

California has been the dominant force behind the buildout of utilityscale battery storage systems in the United States, including just over half of the country's overall battery capacity given that 2019, data from energy data portal Cleanview programs.

California's 8.6 gigawatts (GW) of battery storage capability accounts for roughly half of all utility-scale battery capacity within the U.S. and is two times as much as the capacity in location in Texas, the second-largest deployer of battery storage.

Overall battery storage capability in the U.S. is presently approximated at around 17.5 GW, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration and Cleanview.

But that overall could leap beyond 30 GW by the end of the year if designers bring all of the energy storage systems they have planned on line by their desired business operation dates, according to the EIA.


Such a fast increase in battery storage capacity will permit power system supervisors to keep increasing volumes of excess power generated by solar and wind farms, and then release that surplus power to customers when eco-friendly generation declines.

Power manufacturers in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the state's power system, currently utilize battery storage to supply as much as 20% of the system's electrical energy during peak usage durations, information from gridstatus. io shows.

For some periods throughout the CAISO system need peak in early evening, batteries can be the biggest single source of electricity, exceeding the volumes created by hydro dams, nuclear reactors and natural gas plants.

Such a high utilisation of batteries to handle system generation streams has crucial effects both locally and nationally.

Within CAISO, growing battery capacity has allowed system supervisors to store increasing volumes of surplus power created by California's solar farms throughout the middle of the day, when system need is normally at its most affordable.

By diverting some of that surplus power into batteries rather than onto the grid, CAISO managers can reduce the so-called Duck Curve effect on costs which tend to swoop greatly lower when solar output peaks and then increase in the evening.

As CAISO's solar capacity has actually exceeded the development in battery capability, CAISO power costs still undergo regular periods of weakness throughout bright durations.

However as more battery capacity is contributed to the system, battery storage needs to be able to restrict the pressure on prices and aid the CAISO supervisors enhance system balances through the day.


CAISO's growing battery capacity and resulting expertise in storage utilisation will likewise help power system supervisors in other places in the United States.

Solar capability has actually outmatched the supply growth of all other power kinds in most major U.S. power systems in recent years, and many system supervisors are facing the issue of creating too much solar capacity throughout warm durations, and not enough clean power during other times of the day.

Batteries can help fix that mismatch by storing growing amounts of surplus power for later usage, by efficiently shifting a few of that surplus output from low-demand periods to times when customer need is highest.

Batteries can also make sure that general system generation mixes can continue to get cleaner by allowing producers to phase out dated fossil-fuel plants and continue to broaden the footprint of sustainable and other tidy energy properties.

The viewpoints expressed here are those of the author, a. columnist .

(source: Reuters)