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Germany, China sign statement on information sharing

Germany and China have signed a statement of intent on how to discuss crossborder data transfer, a further action towards carmakers having the ability to transfer information to Germany, a German minister said on Wednesday.

Transferring information beyond China is a controversial concern for foreign firms running there. The EU and United States are worried about the possible security threat of Chinese innovation entering their markets and gathering information locally.

The Memorandum of Comprehending, signed by Germany's. minister for digital affairs and transport and the director of. China's Cyberspace Administration, follows a cooperation offer. in between the two countries on self-governing driving in April.

German minister Volker Wissing stated it was vital for. data to flow as freely as possible while taking into consideration. personal privacy and security interests and the joint declaration. supplied the basis for a mechanism for discussion.

We are producing a continuous exchange and a common. understanding of the data policy legal structure in between the two. nations, he stated in a statement.

Chinese regulators have actually indicated a softening of their. position after last year tightening up data guidelines for the automobile. industry by proposing to ban clever lorries in China from. moving information straight abroad.

Self-driving cars gather a mass of data both on traveler. and motorist behaviour, and the car's surroundings.

(source: Reuters)