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Malaysia starts diesel subsidy reforms, rates to increase by about 50% on Monday

Diesel fuel rates in much of Malaysia are set to rise by approximately 50% on Monday as the government begins moving away from costly blanket aids to a targeted method that mainly assists the clingy.

Malaysia, which greatly subsidises prices of fuel, cooking oil and rice among other basic items, has seen its aid bill increase to record levels recently amid surging product prices, straining government coffers.

Its diesel aid bill alone has actually increased 10-fold from 1.4 billion ringgit in 2019 to 14.3 billion ringgit in 2023.

The federal government

stated last month its strategy to cut diesel subsidies this year is anticipated to save about 4 billion ringgit ($ 853.24 million). every year, with the savings anticipated to be re-directed to. low-income groups.

The Finance Ministry said in a statement on Sunday it. will begin setting diesel fuel prices to align them with market. costs.

The retail price of diesel fuel will increase to 3.35 ringgit. ($ 0.71) per litre starting at midnight at all petrol stations. throughout Peninsular Malaysia, the ministry said.

It will remain at 2.15 ringgit per litre in Malaysian. states and territories on Borneo, as well as for eligible. logistics automobiles under the government's subsidised diesel. control system.

Lower diesel costs have also been set for anglers and. land public transportation vehicles such as school buses and. ambulances, the ministry said.

The government will offer money support to eligible. Malaysian individuals owning diesel vehicles, as well as. small farmers and product smallholders to mitigate the. potential effect on their incomes, the ministry said.

Despite the subsidy cuts, diesel costs in Malaysia will. stay among the most affordable in Southeast Asia, with the fuel. selling at the equivalent of 8.79 ringgit per litre in. Singapore, 4.43 ringgit in Indonesia, and 4.24 ringgit in. Thailand, the ministry said.

(source: Reuters)