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Sources say that Russian oil rates have fallen to their lowest level since 2022.

Three sources reported on Wednesday that the freight rates for shipping Russian oil fell this month, bringing them closer to parity with other global exporters. This is the first time in 2022.

After the West imposed sanctions on Russia and set a price cap of $60 dollars, freight rates for shipping Russian oil rose to over $20 million per trip in 2022.

Sources who requested anonymity because they weren't authorised to talk to the media said that rates were down as increased Russian refinery activities in July reduced exports and curbed tanker demand. A "shadow fleet" is also slowly building up.

The fleet is made up of old tankers, often operated by unrecognized companies in Dubai or China and flying flags from African countries.

India is the primary destination of oil tankers that leave Russian ports. Since 2022, India has been the largest buyer for Urals oil grade.

Sources said that the cost of transporting Urals to India from Black Sea's Novorossiisk Port for Suezmax Tankers, which are capable of carrying 140,000 metric tonnes, has dropped to $4.3-4.5 Million for a round trip. This is a drop of $1.5-$2 Million since the start of June.

The rates of Suezmax tankers on routes from Novorossiisk, to western India ports have dropped dramatically in the last month. Viktor Katona is the head of crude analysis at energy consultancy Kpler.

One source said that the cost of transporting CPC Blend oil produced in Kazakhstan, which is exempt from sanctions, by Suezmax tanker to India was $4.8m per route.

CPC Blend Oil is loaded at the Yuzhnaya Ozereyevka Terminal in the South of Russia, close to Novorossiisk.

Sources claim that the cost to transport Russian oil from the Baltic port of Primorsk to India, for loading in India at the end July has fallen to $4.7-$4.9M from $5-$5.5M mid-to-late-June. Early in June, the cost for such a trip was more than $6 million.

Data shows that the fall in freight rates on the Russian oil transport market has supported Urals prices FOB and has pushed them above the $60/barrel price cap.

One source, who has been involved in Urals trading, stated that Greek-managed ships were the most costly of those providing shipments to India from the Baltic, and added that even these rates were not higher than $5 million. Barbara Lewis (reporting; editing)

(source: Reuters)