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South Korean mills purchase 50,000 T wheat from the United States, pass on Canada

A group of South Korean flour mills purchased an approximated 50,000 metric tons of milling wheat to be sourced from the United States in a global tender on Tuesday, European traders said.

No purchase was made of 40,000 tons of Canadian what also looked for in the tender as costs were regarded as too high, they said.

The U.S. purchase included numerous different wheat types and was all bought on an FOB basis for shipment between Aug. 16 and Sept. 15.

The wheat was said to have actually been bought from trading house United Grain Corporation.

The purchase included soft white wheat of in between 9.5% to 11% protein content purchased in the mid-$ 240s a load FOB, tough red winter season wheat of 11.5% protein purchased in the low $260s a load FOB and dark northern spring wheat of 14% protein bought in the early $280s a ton, traders said.

Reports reflect assessments from traders and even more quotes of rates and volumes are still possible later.

(source: Reuters)