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Taiwan's MFIG tenders to purchase up to 65,000 metric heaps corn

Taiwan's MFIG purchasing group has released a worldwide tender to purchase up to 65,000 metric tons of animal feed corn which can be sourced from the United States, Brazil, Argentina or South Africa, European traders said on Tuesday.

The due date for submission of cost offers in the tender is Thursday, June 13, they said.

Price offers in MFIG's tender are being sought for one consignment of yellow corn of between 40,000 to 65,000 lots at a. premium over the Chicago December 2024 corn contract cost. and freight (c&& f) included.

Shipment is sought between Aug. 5 and Aug. 24 if the. corn is sourced from the U.S. Gulf, Brazil or Argentina, traders. stated.

If sourced from the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast or. South Africa, shipment is sought in between Aug. 20 and Sept. 8.

Because of concerns about possible poor quality,. Argentine corn will only be accepted if it is the lowest price. used and at least 4 cents per bushel listed below the next most inexpensive. offer from other origins, traders said.

In its last reported

corn tender

on May 8, MFIG purchased about 65,000 heaps anticipated to be. sourced from Brazil.

(source: Reuters)