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Vietnam flag provider at risk of insolvency if govt-backed loan is not extended

National provider Vietnam Airlines JSC is facing the threat of losing liquidity as early as July if the refinancing loan payment due date for its governmentbacked loan is not extended, the government said on Tuesday.

The airline company, which got 4 trillion dong ($ 157 million). in low-cost loans from commercial banks that were re-financed at. a zero rates of interest by the central bank in 2021, is grappling. with monetary troubles due to the effect of the pandemic,. the federal government stated in a statement.

It has not finished refinancing efforts, such as. reorganizing non-core investments and sales of new shares due. to regulatory approvals, the statement included.

According to the government, Vietnam Airlines might deal with. substantial dangers, suits and reputational damage in case the. loan repayment was not extended.

It is simply one of the solutions to assist Vietnam Airlines. overcome difficulties, however is the most practical and appropriate. solution at the minute, the government stated.

The federal government suggested the legislators allow loan. repayment extensions through Dec. 31, 2027 to provide the airline company. time to complete its restructuring, the declaration stated.

(source: Reuters)