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Mali to establish state-owned airline company

Mali will establish a stateowned airline to service the vast, landlocked West African nation more than a years after the closure of the last nationwide airline, the federal government announced on Wednesday night.

The brand-new airline company, Mali Airlines-SA, will service local capitals, the military-led federal government stated in a statement, but supplied few other information.

Mali, which covers a swathe of the Sahel five times the size of Britain, shares 7,420 kilometres (4,610 miles) of border with seven nations, according to the statement.

Roadway travel can be hazardous in Mali, which has actually been struggling to include a separatist disobedience and revolts by jihadist groups connected to al Qaeda and Islamic State that started more than a years back and have since spread out into neighbouring Burkina Faso and Niger, as well as coastal countries.

Ethnic Tuareg rebels and Islamist fighters have eliminated a. large number of Malian soldiers and their Russian allies in. current days.

The Council of Ministers adopted draft texts worrying the. development and approval of the airline throughout their weekly conference. on Wednesday.

In July, Mali stated it was not able to refuel industrial. airplane in its capital Bamako due to fuel shortages and asked. airline companies to refuel somewhere else for a one-week period.

Airline companies including Turkish Airline companies and Ethiopian Airline Companies. currently service Bamako.

(source: Reuters)