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Protesters obstruct train tracks, buses in eastern India

Protesters blocked train tracks, stopped buses and yelled slogans in the eastern Indian state of West Bengal on Wednesday, the latest in a series of demonstrations that have rocked the state considering that the rape and murder of a trainee doctor.

Cops fired tear-gas and water cannon to distribute protesters marching towards the state secretariat on Tuesday, prompting Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP), which is in opposition in the state, to call for a. 12-hour state-wide strike on Wednesday, to object against what. it said were authorities atrocities.

Thousands of protesters, most of them BJP workers, obstructed. roads and railway tracks and forced shops to close down on. Wednesday, while authorities braced for more demonstrations through. the day.

A leading authorities stated 5,000 authorities personnel were. deployed to stop any violence throughout West Bengal.

The protesters on Tuesday, many of them university students,. were requiring the resignation of West Bengal Chief Minister. Mamata Banerjee, a staunch opponent of Modi, for her handling of. Aug. 9 rape and murder of a 31-year-old medical professional in a. government-run hospital in the state capital, Kolkata.

The attack on the 31-year-old physician has actually triggered nationwide. outrage, comparable to the extensive demonstrations witnessed after a. 2012 gang-rape of a 23-year-old student on a moving bus in New. Delhi, with advocates stating women continue to suffer from. high levels of sexual violence despite harder laws.

An authorities volunteer has actually been detained for the criminal activity and the. federal authorities have taken control of the examination.

(source: Reuters)