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Turkey mediating Somalia-Ethiopia talks on port offer -officials.

Turkey has actually started moderating talks between Somalia and Ethiopia over a port offer Addis Ababa signed with the breakaway area of Somaliland previously this year, according to 4 officials acquainted with the matter.

The negotiations are the most recent effort to heal diplomatic ties between the east African neighbours, whose relationship soured in January when Ethiopia accepted rent 20 km (12 miles). of shoreline from Somaliland, in exchange for recognition of its. self-reliance.

Mogadishu called the agreement illegal and struck back by. expelling the Ethiopian ambassador and threatening to kick out. thousands of Ethiopian troops stationed in the nation assisting. battle Islamist insurgents.

Spokespeople for the Somali government, Turkey's foreign. ministry, and Ethiopia's foreign ministry, government and. intelligence service did not immediately react to ask for. comment.

A spokesperson for Somaliland, which has had a hard time to acquire. international recognition despite governing itself and delighting in. comparative peace and stability given that stating independence in. 1991, said it was not associated with the talks.

The goal of the negotiation was uncertain, and expectations of. a resolution were low, two of the authorities said.

Despite rumours that Somalia has actually softened its stance on. declining to participate in discussion until Ethiopia withdraws the. ( agreement), it seems unlikely, among the officials stated.

I don't see a method forward, and I do not expect much will. originated from these talks.

Turkey has actually ended up being a close ally of the Somali government. since President Recep Tayyip Erdogan first checked out Mogadishu in. 2011, training its security forces and providing development. assistance.

The 2 nations signed a defence pact in February under. which Ankara will provide maritime security assistance to Somalia. to assist the African country protect its territorial waters.

Turkey has constructed schools, healthcare facilities and facilities and. offered scholarships for Somalis to study in Turkey, and in. return protected a foothold in Africa and on a key worldwide shipping. path.

(source: Reuters)