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Germany requires $325 bln of power grid financial investments by 2050, KfW says

Germany requires investments of around 300 billion euros ($ 325 billion) by the middle of the century to equip its power grids for decarbonisation, state bank KfW said on Tuesday.

The necessary growth of renewable resources makes suitable and versatile transmission and distribution networks necessary and needs high financial investment, KfW stated at a capital markets conference at its headquarters in Frankfurt.

The methods for that can not originate from public funds alone however needs to for the majority be mobilised through private investors or the capital market, it included.

The remarks came as more than 150 agents of infrastructure and pension funds, insurance providers, banks and energy companies collected at KfW to discuss financial investment opportunities as Germany pivots far from fossil fuels and towards renewables.

Amongst the individuals at the event are Deutsche Bank CEO Christian Sewing, Allianz CEO Oliver Baete, Uniper CEO Michael Lewis and German Economy Minister Robert Habeck.

Germany intends to be carbon neutral by 2045 and wishes to raise the share of green energy sources in the nation's power mix to 80% by 2030, from majority in 2023.

(source: Reuters)