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Kurdish oil smuggling to Iran flourishes

Heading for Turkey to the north and Iran to the east, numerous oil tankers snake every day from near Kurdistan's capital Erbil, clogging the Iraqi region's typically winding and mountainous highways.

The tankers are the most noticeable element of a huge operation to truck oil from the semi-autonomous area of Iraq to Iran and Turkey in murky, off-the-books transactions that have actually grown since an official export pipeline closed last year.

pieced together the information of this thriving trade through conversations with over 20 individuals consisting of Iraqi and Kurdish oil engineers, traders and federal government authorities, politicians, diplomats and oil industry sources.

They painted a picture of a flourishing service in which more than 1,000 tankers bring at least 200,000 barrels of cut-price oil every day to Iran and, to a lower degree, Turkey - generating about $200 million a month.

The scale of the informal exports, which has not previously been reported, is one reason Iraq has actually been unable to stick to output cuts agreed with the OPEC oil cartel this year, Iraqi authorities stated.

Iranian and Turkish officials did not respond to requests for remark.

Iraqi oil ministry spokesperson Assim Jihad said the Kurdistan trade was not approved by the Iraqi federal government and state oil marketer SOMO was the only authorities entity permitted to offer Iraqi crude.

He said the government did not have accurate figures for how much oil was being smuggled into Iran and Turkey.

OPEC now has less perseverance for smuggling and has even been known to slap punitive measures on offending members. I question we'll see any retribution against Baghdad because it's well known that the Kurdish region lies outside central control, said Jim Krane at Rice University's Baker Institute in Houston.

Business might likewise put Kurdistan on a collision course with close ally Washington, as it evaluates whether the trade breaches any U.S. economic sanctions on Iran, according to a. U.S. official.

Up until in 2015, Kurdistan exported the majority of its crude via. the main Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP) ranging from the Iraqi. oil city of Kirkuk to the Turkish port of Ceyhan.

However those exports of about 450,000 barrels per day (bpd). halted in March 2023 when a worldwide tribunal ruled in. favour of the Iraqi federal government's call for the shipments. to stop - leaving the pipeline in legal and monetary limbo.

The federal administration in Baghdad, which has long held. that it is the only celebration authorised to offer Iraqi oil,. effectively argued that Turkey organized the exports with the. Kurdistan local federal government without its authorization, in breach of. a 1973 treaty.


Tankers soon began taking Kurdish oil to neighbouring. countries rather and business accelerated this year after. talk with resume the pipeline stalled, industry sources, oil. authorities and diplomats stated.

Regional officials said none of the proceeds are represented,. or signed up, in the coffers of the Kurdistan Regional. Government (KRG), which has been having a hard time to pay thousands of. public workers.

There is no trace of the oil revenues, said regional. legislator Ali Huma Saleh, who was chair of the oil committee in. Kurdistan's parliament until it was dissolved in 2023. He put. the trade at over 300,000 bpd, greater than the majority of other price quotes.

Hiwa Mohammed, a senior official in the Patriotic Union of. Kurdistan (PUK), one of Kurdistan's 2 judgment parties, said the. oil was going through border crossings with the knowledge of the. local and federal governments.

KRG Treasury authorities did not respond to ask for. comment. The KRG Ministry of Natural Resources, which oversees. oil trading in Kurdistan, does not have a spokesperson.

A U.S. authorities stated Washington was looking at the oil trade. to examine compliance with sanctions on Iran.

The U.S. Treasury Department declined to comment.

A State Department official stated: U.S. sanctions on Iran. stay in location, and we regularly engage with partners on. sanctions enforcement concerns, but we do not detail those. conversations.

A senior authorities at Kurdistan's natural deposits ministry. stated oil production in the region was running at 375,000 bpd, of. which 200,000 was trucked to Iran and Turkey, and the rest. refined locally.

No one knows what occurs to the incomes from the 200,000. smuggled abroad, or the oil derivatives offered to refineries in. the region, stated the authorities, who decreased to be called because. the sensitivity of the matter.


The crude is offered by oil companies in Kurdistan to local. purchasers at cut-price rates of $30 to $40 a barrel, or about half. the worldwide rate, which equates to at least $200 million. a month in revenue, industry and political sources said.

Kurdistan's oil production is bulk managed by 8. worldwide oil firms: DNO ASA, Genel Energy. , Gulf Keystone Petroleum, ShaMaran Petroleum. , HKN Energy, WesternZagros, MOL's Kalegran and. Hunt Oil Company.

Hunt Oil, based in the United States, declined to comment. The other seven business did not react to requests for. comment, nor did regional business KAR Group, a significant player in. Kurdistan.

While many oil production halted when the pipeline closed,. some companies including DNO, Keystone and ShaMaran have actually said in. declarations they have actually since begun producing crude for sale to. purchasers within Kurdistan.

ShaMaran stated the average rate of oil it offered in the very first. three months of 2024 was $36.49 per barrel while Keystone said. in June that sales of crude from the Shaikan Field this year. were bringing in about $28 a barrel.

The market sources stated approved local purchasers take the. crude from oil companies and sell it on through middlemen for. export, without the knowledge of the producers.

The large majority of the trucked oil goes to Iran, most of. the market and political sources said, by means of main Iraqi. border crossings consisting of Haji Omaran, or through Penjwen even more. south.

From there, it is packed onto ships at Iranian ports in the. Gulf at Bandar Imam Khomeini and Bandar Abbas - a trade path. utilized in the past for Kurdish oil exports - or moved by. roadway to Afghanistan and Pakistan, industry, political and. diplomatic sources said.

could not determine what Iran, which deals with. difficulties selling its own oil items since of sanctions,. gets out of the trade, nor who is receiving the oil in Iran.

The PUK's Mohammed said it was sent out to Iran to be improved. into gas.

Pakistan's petroleum ministry declined to comment. Afghan. officials did not react to ask for comment.


The trade is the current model of a long-standing Iraqi. black-market oil business commonly viewed as benefiting political. elites who are carefully connected to business interests.

Twelve individuals said authorities in Kurdistan's two judgment. celebrations, the Kurdistan Democratic Celebration (KDP) of the Barzani. clan and the PUK of the Talabani clan, were the recipients.

There is a maze of black-market salesmen getting. paid, and individuals authorizing those sales. It's not that they are. just looking the other way. They're taking their share, an. industry source working in the Kurdish oil trade said.

A senior diplomat in Baghdad said political interests were. so vested in the trade that resuming main exports by means of the. pipeline, when seen as a priority, had dropped down the. diplomatic program.

I'm not going to be advocating for this while they're all. having a party, the person stated.

KDP authorities did not react to requests for remark about. the black-market trade. Mohammed, the PUK authorities, did not. comment on who may be behind it.

Kurdish authorities say the area was pushed into the trade. by the pipeline closure, which they view as part of a broader. effort by Iran-backed Shi'ite celebrations in Baghdad to curb the. relative autonomy they have actually delighted in given that the end of the first. Gulf war in 1991.

A senior Iraqi parliamentary authorities familiar with oil. matters stated Baghdad was aware of the details of the business. however was avoiding public criticism as officials look for to fix. outstanding disputes with Erbil.

Putting pressure on Erbil to stop oil smuggling would corner. the region and deprive it of all sources of financing, which could. lead to its collapse, stated the individual, who decreased to be. named due to the sensitivity of the problem.

The trade has actually been cited independently by Iraqi authorities as. lagging Baghdad's failure to stick to its OPEC production. quotas, a bone of contention with OPEC's de facto leader Saudi. Arabia.

Jihad, the oil ministry representative, said Iraq, which has. vowed to downsize output this year to offset the. overproduction, was committed to voluntary production cuts.

For now, the sheer volume of tankers snarling up highways,. and getting associated with accidents, is outraging homeowners along. major roads.

It's very agonizing, said Rashid Dalak, checking out the tomb. of his sibling Rouzkar, who was eliminated in a crash with a tanker. in May on the highway in between Erbil and Sulaimaniya that leads. to the Iranian border.

Despite travelling through and damaging our roadways and killing. our liked ones ... no-one here has actually seen a dollar.

(source: Reuters)