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United States power generators burn record quantities of natgas on most popular day of summertime so far

U.S. power generators burned a. record amount of gas on Tuesday, the most popular day up until now. of this summertime, according to preliminary information from financial. company LSEG on Thursday.

Extreme weather reminds consumers of the deadly freeze in. February 2021 that left countless Texans without power, water. and heat for days and a brutal heat wave in August 2020 that. required the California power grid operator to enforce rotating. outages that impacted about 800,000 consumers over 2 days.

As homes and businesses cranked up their a/c to. get away the harsh heat today, LSEG said power generators. burned an initial 54.2 billion cubic feet each day (bcfd) of. gas on Tuesday, which would top the current record of 52.8 bcfd. on July 28, 2023.

Power generator demand for gas slid to around 51.8 bcfd on. Wednesday and 50.5 bcfd on Thursday with a slight reduction in. typical day-to-day temperatures across the U.S. Lower 48 states as. the residues of Cyclone Beryl moved from Texas to Michigan.

One billion cubic feet of gas is enough to supply about five. million U.S. homes for a day.

As skyrocketing demand tensions electric grids, next-day power. prices skyrocketed this week to their greatest because January in. Southern California << EL-PK-SP15-SNL >, New England.>< EL-PK-NPMS-SNL >, the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland area. and the ,. according skyrocketed to their highest because August 2023.

with typical temperatures across the Lower 48 states of 81.2. degrees F. Meanwhile, the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change

. Service( C3S) stated last June was the hottest month on record,. leading some researchers to alert 2024 could be the world's. hottest year. Climate scientists have long stated nations require. to considerably lower greenhouse gas emissions and burning. nonrenewable fuel sources, which are the main cause of climate change like. intensifying heatwaves. MORE HEAT TO COME AccuWeather forecast temperature levels would reach 92 F in.

Chicago on July 14 and 95

F in New York City on July 15-16. That. compares with normal highs of 85 F in both cities at this time. of year. Electric grid operators across the nation declared hot. weather condition informs this week and told energy business to put

off. unneeded maintenance so all offered generating plants and. power lines would be prepared for service. However despite the extreme heat , the grid operators have not. taken more severe actions to manage supply and demand- like. require preservation

or turning blackouts- and none were. presently forecasting power usage would break all-time highs over. the next week. In California, where AccuWeather forecasted heats. in Los Angeles would reach 88 F for a 3rd day in a row on. Thursday, the California ISO, which operates the state

's power. grid, did inform clients to prepare for the requirement to save. energy on Wednesday and Thursday.

(source: Reuters)