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SPP problems Energy Emergency Alert 1 due to high temperatures

U.S. power grid operator Southwest Power Pool (SPP) on Monday released an Energy Emergency Alert ( EEA1) due to high need as customers crank up their air conditioners to get away a harsh heat wave.

In addition, SPP said the grid had less power resources readily available due to plant outages and low output from variable energy resources like wind and solar.

The declaration of an EEA1 does not need the public to save energy and does not suggest that SPP will be directing controlled service outages, SPP said.

SPP is a grid operator for 14 states in the Midwest and West.

SPP stated that an EEA1 is an indicator that while the grid operator has enough generation available to meet demand and fulfill its reserve obligations, conditions exist that could put reserves at risk if the scenario gets worse.

EEA1 is the preliminary level of energy emergency situation alert. An EEA2 would be activated if SPP could no longer meet expected energy reserve requirements.

(source: Reuters)