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Energy Transfer LNG pipeline continues to burn in La Porte, Texas

Energy Transfer said a fire at its natural gas liquid (NGL) pipeline in La Porte, Texas, which began on Monday, was still burning on Tuesday and a. state regulator said it would probably keep burning into the. afternoon.

The enormous fire on Monday early morning knocked out power to. thousands of homes and organizations and prompted an evacuation of. the area.

No serious injuries were reported and the pipeline was. separated by midday for recurring item to burn off, the business. stated.

The fire happened at a valve station on a 20-inch (50.8-cm). pipeline utilized to bring NGLs, according to Energy Transfer. NGLs. can be utilized as inputs for petrochemical plants or burned for. space heating and cooking, to name a few uses.

Law enforcement agencies have actually started an examination. into the reason for the event, Energy Transfer said.

The Texas Railroad Commission (RRC), which manages. the state's oil and gas industry said its inspectors were on the. site of the event and will begin their investigation as soon as. emergency officials have deemed the scene safe.

Energy Transfer continues to blow down the remaining. gas in the pipeline area which might last into this. afternoon, RRC added.

Affected land owners were being taken care of and have actually been. supplied with lodging at area hotels, Energy Transfer stated,. adding that this will continue up until evacuation orders are. lifted.

(source: Reuters)