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German power grids need higher earnings to money energy shift, Amprion states

Germany's power grid operators will require the national regulator to raise the cap on their returns on facilities spending when it sets new limitations in 2029 so they can fund grid expansion and attract financiers, the CEO of network company Amprion said on Thursday.

Speaking with Reuters on the sidelines of the Handelsblatt Energy Top, CEO Christoph Mueller said Amprion, 25% owned by utility RWE, longed for the regulative company to consider its plea in decisions about the next five-year regulative period expected later on this year.

The German equity interest rate for transmission grids can not keep up with worldwide competitors, he stated.

The regulative agency, Bundesnetzagentur, currently allows write-off rates of return on equity employed of 7% on brand-new infrastructure and 5% for existing infrastructure pre-tax. Those compare to rates between 7% and 9% somewhere else in Europe, according to analysts' reports.

If absolutely nothing changes, it will provide us as a transmission system operator with significant obstacles in financing the projects of the coming years, he added.

Amprion and three sector peers in Germany should operate within the regulatory structure while preparing billions of euros of spending on power lines and equipment to assist transportation a. growing share of electricity from renewable sources, which. needs sophisticated hardware.

They must reach wind and solar generation sites, and. transfer their output, typically by means of expensive underground cables,. that face less resistance from the general public than overground lines.

Amprion's 11,000 km grid in Germany is 2nd in length. behind that of TenneT << IPO-TTH. AS>>, with the other 2 being. 50Hertz and TransnetBW.

In a fee-model, spreading expenses among power customers, what. has been invested flows back to the grid operators by means of. devaluation over 40 years, and interest is paid on the capital. still tied up through the grid gain access to costs, that are ultimately. financed by the end customers.

Amprion prepares to invest 27.5 billion euros ($ 28.60. billion) in the present five-year duration through 2028, for. example on platforms to connect overseas wind turbines and. cables from the North Sea to the commercial Ruhr region in. Germany's west.

The grid operators fear the regulator may not set. satisfying levels they want, due to its short to keep grid. costs down for customers, who share them as part of their power. costs.

That circumstance could worsen external financing conditions, and. threaten their monetary rankings, stated Mueller.

(source: Reuters)