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CN Rail problems lockout notification to union, Canada-wide freight rail interruption looms

Canadian National Railway , among Canada's 2 main rail business, officially notified the Teamsters union in Canada on Sunday that it would begin locking out union workers early on Thursday.

Unless there is an immediate and certain resolution to the labour conflict, CN will have no option but to continue the phased and progressive shutdown of its network which would culminate in a lockout, it stated in a declaration.

Despite negotiations over the weekend, no meaningful progress has actually happened, and the celebrations remain extremely far apart.

Canada's other main rail operator, Canadian Pacific Kansas City, has actually already told the Teamsters union it will start locking out members early on Thursday. This implies the huge majority of rail transit of products in Canada would grind to a. stop by Thursday, disallowing last-minute labour arrangements in between. the companies and their particular arms of the Teamsters' union.

Independently, Teamsters also issued a 72-hour strike. notice to CPKC late on Sunday.

Unless celebrations reach last-minute arrangements, a work. blockage will happen at 00:01 on Thursday, August 22, it stated in. a declaration.

The companies and the union accuse each other of bad. faith in the talks. The teamsters state CN Rail and CPKC are. looking for concessions that might threaten employee security, a charge. both the operators reject.

The federal Liberal government has so far dismissed. pleas from company groups to intervene, saying it desires the. companies and the union to sort out their distinctions through. negotiations.

(source: Reuters)