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Canada rail shutdown may still delay western grain exports

Canada's rail shutdown might still delay loading of some bulk grain ships at the country's. westcoast ports despite the federal government's move to end a stoppage. at the nation's two biggest railways, traders and experts. said.

At danger are more than 20 bulk freight ships at or bound for. British Columbia ports as in-port grain stocks represent simply a. portion of what is set up to load over the coming weeks,. according to delivering industry and government information.

Exporters on the planet's leading canola manufacturer and No. 3 wheat. shipper might acquire vessel demurrage penalties totaling tens. of thousands of dollars a day if ships sit idle waiting for. materials, analysts stated.

Although employees at Canadian National Railway. returned to deal with Friday, their union said they will strike on. Monday and challenge the constitutionality of the government's. move to end the shutdown. Canadian Pacific Kansas City. has yet to raise its lockout.

Thursday's stoppage marked the first time both railroads had. closed down simultaneously.

The rail circumstance in Canada stays extremely fluid and. unsure, Mike Steenhoek, executive director at the U.S.-based. Soy Transport Coalition said in a declaration.

Rail delays threaten the flow of grain from Canada's. prairies to export terminals just as farmers start to harvest. their crops.

If disturbances continue, sales reserved for filling in the. fall are also at risk of being canceled.

( Exporters) might attempt to declare force majeure and go into. arbitration ... or they can rack up the demurrage charges, stated. independent expert Wayne Palmer.

There were 20 bulk vessels anchored near or en path to Port. of Vancouver since Aug. 19, earmarked for packing with 638,900. metric lots of canola and 428,200 tons of milling wheat,. according to vessel lineup data seen .

Most of the canola was due to be delivered to China, while the. wheat was slated for numerous locations in Asia, South America. and Africa, the data showed.

However, the dedications far exceeded industrial stocks in. Vancouver of 217,500 lots of canola and 216,100 lots of wheat as. of Aug. 11, according to the latest information offered from. Statistics Canada.

Vessel-lineup information identified another two vessels bound for. Prince Rupert, British Columbia, to be filled with 134,200 heaps. of wheat. Wheat stocks there were simply 11,900 lots, StatsCan. data showed.

(source: Reuters)