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New Fortress ships Mexico's first LNG freight for export

U.S. energy infrastructure business New Fortress Energy on Monday shipped the first export of melted natural gas from Mexico, following the inauguration of output at its floating facility off the nation's coast, the company said.

New Fortress in early August completed preproduction at the first train of its Fast LNG task in Altamira, in the Gulf of Mexico, and said a first partial cargo from the $1 billion facility would be delivered to its La Paz power plant in Mexico.

Marshall Islands-flagged LNG tanker Energos Princess, which carried that freight in late August from Mexico's Atlantic coast to the Pacific Coast through the Panama Canal, is now setting sail with a new shipment bound for Europe, according to the business and LSEG vessel tracking information.

The vessel will reach its destination around Oct. 18, the data showed.

This is a substantial turning point for our Fast LNG setup, stated Wes Edens, chairman and CEO of New Fortress, in a release. We're delighted to be able to provide our own gas supply to the world markets and our customers.

The company dealt with hold-ups since in 2015 to finish infrastructure at the 1.4-million-tonnes-per-annum task and begin processing U.S natural gas in Mexico, which held off the business start of Mexico's very first LNG plant.

In early September, New Fortress announced it had gotten authorization from the U.S. Department of Energy to export LNG to non-free trade arrangement nations from Altamira for five years. It had actually formerly received authorization to export to countries under free trade agreements with the United States.

(source: Reuters)