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Venture Global receives approval to move forward with commercializing Louisiana Calcasieu Liquefied Natural Gas plant

Venture Global LNG, a U.S.-based liquefied gas (LNG), received approval on Tuesday from U.S. Energy regulators to reintroduce dangerous fluids into a part of its Calcasieu LNG Export Plant in Louisiana.

Analysts have stated that the approval will bring the plant one step closer to commercial operation. This has been the topic of legal and regulation battles between Venture Global, and some of its customers.

Since March 2022, the plant has been sending LNG cargoes out in test mode. These test cargoes are not sent to customers until after the project has become commercial.

The U.S. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission granted Venture Global’s request on Tuesday to reintroduce dangerous fluids into "HRSG 373".

The company said that the Heat Recovery Steam Generators at Calcasieu was at least a part of the problem which has delayed the commercial operation of this plant.

Venture Global officials were not available to comment immediately on the expected date of commercial operation.

Venture Global customers including BP and Shell units sought legal advice as a result of the delay.


Venture Global is being forced to hand over Calcasieu LNG cargoes back to its customers.

FERC stated that Venture Global does not have the authority to put other project facilities into service at the LNG Terminal. (Reporting and editing by Chizu Nomiyama; Scott DiSavino)

(source: Reuters)