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EU nations mull 20-year tax vacation for jet fuel, document shows

European Union countries are thinking about delaying the introduction of EUwide taxes on contaminating air travel fuels for twenty years, as they look for a. advancement on tax reforms that have actually been negotiated for several years. with little progress, a draft document seen revealed.

The European Commission proposed an overhaul of energy tax. guidelines in 2021 to make them more climate-friendly, including by. slowly presenting taxes on fuels for flights within the. 27-nation bloc, which presently leave EU-wide levies.

After countries could not settle on earlier proposals that. would introduce a minimum EU tax rate for jet fuel from 2028,. they are now considering excusing both air travel and maritime. fuels from these taxes for an additional 20 years, a draft. compromise seen revealed.

Considering that presently there is insufficient sustainable alternative. fuel (SAF) on the marketplace, the tax of aviation fuels would. result in cost boosts of air tickets and not in a general. switch from fossil fuels to SAF, the document stated.

Just little aircraft with a maximum of 19 seats, and boats. used for personal pleasure navigation would face minimum EU. taxes before the twenty years are up, it stated.

For other airplane and vessels, nations can present. nationwide levies if they choose - however they are not obliged to.

Under the draft compromise, EU countries would reevaluate in. 15 years whether to begin applying EU minimum tax rates to. air travel and maritime fuel once the 20-year vacation ends.

Other fuels, such as fuel used in vehicles, along with. electricity, currently face minimum EU tax rates.

The compromise was prepared by Hungary, which holds the EU's. rotating presidency and for that reason chairs settlements among EU. countries until completion of the year. A representative for. Hungary's representation to the EU did not immediately react. to a request for comment.

EU country diplomats will discuss the proposition later this. month.

Altering EU tax policy is fiendishly difficult since it. needs consentaneous approval from EU countries - indicating any one. government can block it.

Climate advocates, who have long called for an end to jet. fuel's EU tax holiday, said a 20-year hold-up would be at odds. with the EU's target to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

By the time this tax would be in effect, the world is meant. to have reached environment neutrality, stated Jo Dardenne, aviation. director at non-profit group Transport & & Environment.

(source: Reuters)