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Train under building collapses in China's Chengdu, developing sinkhole

A metro station under construction in China's southwestern city of Chengdu collapsed early on Friday, opening a large sinkhole in a road in a. popular traveler and business district.

No casualties were reported in the accident, which occurred. after 2 water pipes burst at the train's construction pit,. Chengdu Rail Building and construction said on its official Weibo page.

State broadcaster CCTV also carried video footage of the sink. hole, which emergency situation staff informed local media would not. jeopardise the security of surrounding structures.

The location is popular with visitors who concern see the native. ginkgo trees. The Chengdu City Line 13 is due to open in 2025. with 21 underground stations.

China has actually regularly ordered several industries from. mining, road transport to construction to enforce more stringent. security requirements.

(source: Reuters)