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Abu Dhabi's Etihad Airways reports rise in first-half earnings

Etihad Airways reported a 48%. increase firsthalf earnings on Thursday, helped by a boost in. traveler and cargo earnings, ahead of possible stock market. listing of the Abu Dhabi provider.

The airline company, which over the past seven years has gone. through a massive restructuring, including revamping its. management, reported a revenue after tax of 851 million AED. dirhams ($ 232 million), up from 575 million a year earlier.

Income rose 21% to 11.7 billion dirhams, assisted by a 38%. rise in traveler numbers to 8.7 million. Cargo income rose 10%. to 1.9 billion dirhams.

In July 2024, credit rating agency Fitch upgraded Etihad's. rating to an A+ status, mentioning its materially more powerful. standalone credit profile.

CEO Antonoaldo Neves told Reuters in March the state-owned. airline company was enhancing openness, governance and its balance. sheet to be prepared for a public flotation must its Abu Dhabi. sovereign wealth fund owner, ADQ, decide to note it.

Bloomberg has actually reported that ADQ, which took over Etihad in. October 2022 and appointed Neves as CEO, is considering an IPO. for the airline as early as this year.

(source: Reuters)