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Panama Canal to increase transit slots in September as rains come early

The Panama Canal

expects to increase the number of everyday transit slots for vessels to 36 from the existing 34 beginning in September, the canal's deputy administrator stated, as rains permit authorities to ease drought-imposed limitations.

In recent months, a prolonged dry spell lowered the canal's. water level and required its authority to restrict the number of. vessels utilizing the canal.

Now (the operation) is virtually back to regular. We have. 34 transits (daily) and on August 5 we will increase to 35. transits and ... in September we'll have the ability to increase to 36,. Deputy Administrator Ilya Espino told Reuters in an interview on. Monday.

In the meantime, we are on the ideal track, Espino stated.

In recent weeks, the early arrival of the rainy season. has actually allowed the canal to increase the variety of ships authorized. to cross through the canal, through which some 5% of all international. maritime trade passes.

(source: Reuters)