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Czechs will be great if Druzhba oil circulation stops, authorities says

Any possible stop in oil materials through the Druzhba pipeline through Ukraine from Russia from next year would not be a problem for the Czech Republic, the nation's energy security envoy Vaclav Bartuska stated on Friday.

Reacting to a Reuters concern - on remarks by Ukrainian governmental aide Mykhailo Podolyak that flows of Russian oil may stop from January - Bartuska stated Ukraine had also in the past warned of a potential stop.

This is not the very first time, this time possibly they imply it seriously - we shall see, Bartuska stated in a text. For. the Czech Republic, it is not a problem.

To end partial dependency on the Druzhba pipeline, Czech. state-owned pipeline operator MERO has actually been investing in raising. the capacity of the TAL pipeline from Italy to Germany, which. connects to the IKL pipeline supplying the Czech Republic.

From next year, the increased capacity would suffice. for the overall needs of the country's two refineries, owned by. Poland's Orlen, of up to 8 million tons of crude per. year.

MERO has stated it prepared to achieve the nation's. independence from Russian oil from the start of 2025, although. the TAL upgrade would be finished by June 2025.

(source: Reuters)