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South Korea's KFA Busan purchased 68,000 T of corn in a private deal, traders claim

In a private transaction on Tuesday, the Korea Feed Association's (KFA) Busan Section in South Korea bought an estimated 68,000 tons of animal feed grain that was expected to come from South America.

The KFA Incheon Section had also purchased 66,000 tons in an international tender, and Korean importer FLC had made a private purchase of corn earlier that day.

KFA Busan is believed to have purchased the corn for its private deal from Viterra for an estimated cost and freight of $234.39 per ton, plus $1.50 for port unloading. The corn was expected to arrive in South Korea on Dec. 15th.

The shipment from South America is between October 1 and October 31.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

Traders said that the fall in Chicago corn to near four-year lowest prices on Monday has increased Asian interest. Michael Hogan reports.

(source: Reuters)