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Taiwan buys estimated 101,700 T wheat of US-origin, traders state

The Taiwan Flour Millers' Association acquired an estimated 101,700 metric tons of crushing wheat to be sourced from the United States in a tender on Wednesday, European traders stated.

The purchase involved different wheat types for delivery from the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast in 2 consignments.

The first consignment of 52,400 heaps included 34,500 tons U.S. dark northern spring wheat of a minimum 14.5% protein content bought at an estimated $320.40 a ton complimentary on board (fob). corresponding to $360.39 a ton cost and freight (c&& f) consisting of ocean. shipping expenses to Taiwan, they said.

It likewise involved 10,650 tons of tough red winter season wheat of a. minimum 12.5% protein content bought at $292.48 a ton. fob/$ 332.47 a lot c&& f and 7,250 tons of soft white wheat of a. minimum 8.5% and maximum 10% protein bought at $241.40 a load. fob/$ 281.39 c&& f. The first consignment was for delivery for Nov. 5-19 and was. all offered by trading house CHS, traders stated.

The second consignment of 49,300 loads included 32,100 heaps. of dark northern spring wheat of a minimum 14.5% protein material. purchased $312.08 a lot fob/$ 353.70 a load c&& f, they said.

It also involved 10,850 lots of hard red winter wheat of a. minimum 12.5% protein material bought at $282.56 a lot. fob/$ 324.18 c&& f and 6,350 tons of soft white wheat of a minimum. 8.5% and maximum 10% protein purchased $241.40 a lot fob/$ 283.02. c&& f.

Bunge sold the dark northern spring in the second. consignment and CHS offered the soft red winter season and soft white.

Reports show evaluations from traders and further. price quotes of prices and volumes are still possible later.

The association's tenders typically provide a precise. picture of U.S. wheat export costs in Asian markets.

(source: Reuters)