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FLC, a South Korean company, buys corn from the US up to 68,000 t

In a late-night deal, the Feed Leaders Committee of South Korea (FLC), a private group that represents South Korea's feed industry, purchased 66,000-68,000 metric tonnes of animal feed corn from the U.S. on Thursday.

The corn was bought at a price that included cost and freight, but also at a premium 182.00 U.S. cents per bushel compared to the Chicago December corn contract. Both prices were subject to a $1.50 surcharge per tonne for port unloading.

The deal concerned yellow corn in the number 2 grade and better.

The shipment of the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast is expected to arrive between October 1 and October 31.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

Traders reported that Asian buyers were sparked by the Chicago corn futures falling on Thursday, following a rally to cover shorts earlier in the week. (Reporting and editing by Varun H. K.; Michael Hogan)

(source: Reuters)