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South Korean KFA wins 69,000 T corn bid, traders claim

European traders reported that the Korea Feed Association in South Korea (KFA) rejected all bids and did not make any purchases during a Friday tender to purchase up to 69,000 tons of animal feed grain sourced only from the United States or South America.

The traders said that the prices offered were too high. They said the lowest price was $237.49 per ton, cost and freight included (c&f), plus $1.50 for port unloading.

The traders noted that this price was higher than the $234.19 or $234.90 per ton c&f which Korean importer NOFI paid in an international bid on Thursday. This is partly due to a rise on Chicago corn futures, they said.

The KFA Busan section wanted corn to arrive in South Korea by March 2025. Michael Hogan reports.

(source: Reuters)