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South Korea's MFG purchases about 132,000 tonnes of corn, traders claim

Major Feedmill Group of South Korea (MFG) bought approximately 132,000 metric tonnes of animal feed corn at an international auction on Thursday, European traders reported.

The corn would be expected to come from the United States, South America, or South Africa.

The cost of each consignment was estimated at $260.85 per ton, including freight. In addition, an extra $1.25 per ton was charged for port unloading.

It was thought that the seller is trading house ADM.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

The first shipment for arrival on May 5, South Korea, was to be shipped between April 1-20, if it came from the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, between March 12-31, if it came from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, between March 7-26, if it came from South America, and between March 17-April 5, if coming from South Africa.

The second shipment for arrival on May 15 in South Korea is to be shipped between April 11-30, if it comes from the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, or between March 22-April 10, if it comes from the U.S. Gulf.

A third consignment weighing up to 70,000 tonnes, also requested in the tender and due for arrival on May 25, in South Korea, was not purchased.

The traders stated that if the corn is purchased from South Africa only 55,000 tonnes are required for each shipment.

European traders claim that the MFG purchased 115,000 tons feed wheat privately on Wednesday, without issuing a tender. (Reporting and editing by Tomaszjanowski, with Michael Hogan)

(source: Reuters)