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Taiwan buys estimated 105,650 T wheat of U.S.-origin, traders say

The Taiwan Flour Millers' Association bought an estimated 105,650 metric tons of grating wheat to be sourced from the United States in a tender on Thursday, European traders said.

The purchase included various wheat types for shipment from the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast in 2 consignments, the very first in between Sept. 30 and Oct. 14 and the 2nd between Oct. 18 and Nov. 1.

The first consignment of 53,175 tons included U.S. dark northern spring wheat with a minimum 14.5% protein material bought at an approximated $296.05 a load complimentary on board (fob). equating to $335.06 a lot expense and freight (c&& f) consisting of ocean. shipping costs to Taiwan, they said.

It also involved hard red winter season wheat with a minimum 12.5%. protein content purchased $285.50 a lot fob/$ 324.51 a ton c&& f. and soft white wheat of a minimum 8.5% and maximum 10% protein. bought at $233.22 a ton fob/$ 272.23 c&& f

. The dark northern and soft white in the very first consignment. was offered by trading home Viterra while the hard red was sold by. CHS, traders stated.

The second consignment of 52,475 heaps included dark northern. spring wheat with a minimum 14.5% protein material bought at an. estimated $297.88 a lot fob/$ 338.22 a lot c&& f, they said.

It also included hard red winter wheat with a minimum 12.5%. protein content purchased $287.33 a heap fob/$ 327.67 c&& f and soft. white wheat with a minimum 8.5% and optimum 10% protein bought. at $240.30 a ton fob/$ 280.64 c&& f.

United Grain Corporation sold the dark northern spring in. the second consignment and CHS sold the soft red winter and soft. white.

The association's tenders generally offer a precise. snapshot of U.S. wheat export rates in Asian markets.

(source: Reuters)