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South Korean mills buy 100,000 T wheat from US, Australia

A group of South Korean flour mills bought an approximated 100,000 metric lots of milling wheat to be sourced from the United States and Australia in an worldwide tender on Wednesday, European traders said.

Some 50,000 lots sourced from the United States was for shipment in between Dec. 25 and Jan. 25. Another 50,000 loads from Australia was for delivery in between Jan. 1 and Jan. 31.

A series of different wheat types was bought.

The wheat was all bought on a free on board (FOB) basis, the traders said.

The U.S. consignment was stated to have actually been sold by trading house CHS.

The U.S. purchase involved 25,740 tons of soft white wheat of about 9.5% to 11% protein content bought at an estimated $ 232.95 a load FOB; 9,160 tons of hard red winter wheat of 11.5%. minimum protein bought at $259.40 a heap; and 15,100 tons of. northern spring/dark northern wheat of 14% protein bought at. $ 298.44 a ton.

The Australian purchase involved Australian standard white. ( ASW) grade purchased in the mid $270s a ton FOB, Australian hard. ( AH) wheat purchased in the mid $280s a heap and Australian premium. white (APW) purchased in the low $260s a ton.

The seller of the Australian wheat was unknown.

Reports reflect assessments from traders and even more. estimates of prices and volumes are still possible later on.

(source: Reuters)