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South Korea's FLC buys about 66,000 T corn, traders say

South Korea's Feed Leaders Committee (FLC) acquired about 66,000 metric tons of animal feed corn to be sourced from optional origins in an worldwide tender on Tuesday, European traders said.

The corn was purchased at an approximated $235.99 a lot cost and freight (c&& f) consisted of plus a $1.50 a heap surcharge for extra port discharging, they said.

The seller was said to be trading home Olam. The corn was bought for arrival in South Korea around March 15, 2025. This was slightly earlier than the March 20 arrival originally looked for.

The volume supplied can differ according to the source the seller picks, traders stated. The seller has the choice to decide the source.

If sourced from the United States or South America, the complete 66,000 heaps must be supplied but only 53,000 lots require be shipped if sourced from South Africa.

Delivery was sought in between Feb. 5 and March 5 if sourced from the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast, in between Jan. 16 and Feb. 14 if sourced from the U.S. Gulf, in between Jan. 11 and Feb. 9 if from South America or between Jan. 21 and Feb. 19 if from South Africa.

Black Sea/European corn was not noted among requested origins but traders said it could be used in the tender.

Reports show evaluations from traders and even more estimates of rates and volumes are still possible later.

(source: Reuters)