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The FLC of South Korea has announced a tender to purchase up to 65,000 T of wheat

European traders reported on Tuesday that the Feed Leaders' Committee of South Korea (FLC) had issued an international tender for 50,000-65,001 metric tons animal feed wheat.

The deadline for submitting price offers is February 12 and the arrival of one shipment in South Korea should be around June 30.

The wheat may be imported from anywhere in the world, except for Russia, Argentina China Pakistan and Denmark. The Black Sea ports of Russia and Ukraine are not allowed to be used by wheat from any origin.

Shipping is required between May 20 and June 10 if the source of the product is from Australia, U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, or Canadian West Coast. If you are sourcing from the U.S. Gulf Coast, Europe, or Canadian East coast, shipment will be between May 4 and 25.

Shipments of European wheat via Cape of Good Hope (often undertaken to avoid attacks against shipping in the Red Sea) should be made between April 15 and May 6.

Between April 25 and May 16, wheat from South America or South Africa should be shipped. Michael Hogan (reporting; Varun H K, editing)

(source: Reuters)