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South Korea's NOFI buys estimated 133,000 T corn, traders say

European traders reported that the leading South Korean animal feed manufacturer Nonghyup Feed Inc., (NOFI), bought approximately 133,000 metric tonnes of animal feed corn at an international auction on Tuesday.

Two consignments of corn were purchased for South Korea.

One was purchased at an estimated price of $259.99 per ton, cost and freight plus $1.50 for port unloading. Seller was thought to be Pan Ocean trading house.

The second purchase was made at a premium of 157.49 U.S. Cents per bushel over Chicago corn futures, plus an additional $1.25 surcharge per ton for port unloading. The seller was thought to be ADM, a trading house.

The reports reflect the assessments of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later. Michael Hogan is reporting.

(source: Reuters)