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South Korea's NOFI purchases approximately 133,000 T corn

European traders reported that the leading South Korean animal feed manufacturer Nonghyup Feed Inc., (NOFI), bought approximately 133,000 metric tonnes of animal feed corn at an international auction on Tuesday.

The corn was bought in two consignments. It was expected that the corn would be from the United States, South America, or South Africa.

A 65,000-ton consignment due to arrive in South Korea on June 10 was purchased at an estimated price of $25.99 per ton, cost and freight plus $1.50 for port unloading. Seller was thought to be Pan Ocean.

The second consignment of 68,000 tons for arrival on June 20 was purchased at a premium of 157.49 U.S. Cents per bushel over Chicago corn futures, plus an additional $1.25 surcharge per ton for port unloading. The seller was thought to be ADM, a trading house.

The reports reflect the opinions of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later.

If the consignment for June 10 is coming from the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, the shipment must be received between May 8 and 27. If it is coming from the U.S. Gulf coast between April 18 and 7 or South America between 14 and 2 May, the shipment should arrive between these dates.

If the consignment for June 20 is coming from the U.S. Pacific Northwest Coast, the shipment will be between May 18 and 6; from the U.S. Gulf of Mexico between April 28 and 17; from South America between the 23rd April and 12th May or from South Africa from May 3 to May 22. Only 55,000 tonnes are required if the consignment is sourced from South Africa.

Some traders said that some Asian importers purchased ahead of the possible market turmoil caused by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's world supply and demands estimates later on Tuesday, which can traditionally cause market volatility. (Reporting and editing by David Evans, Michael Hogan)

(source: Reuters)