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Shipment Hero, Glovo targets of EU cartel investigation

German online food takeaway firm Delivery Hero and its Spanish system Glovo will be investigated on concerns that they might have taken part in an online food shipment cartel, EU antitrust regulators said on Tuesday.

Earlier this month, Delivery Hero cautioned that the European Commission may fine it more than 400 million euros ($ 435. million) due to antitrust infractions. The EU investigation. followed two dawn raids last year.

Shipment Hero held a minority share in Glovo in 2018 and. obtained sole control in July 2022.

The Commission is worried that, before the takeover,. Delivery Hero and Glovo may have allocated geographical markets. and shared commercially sensitive information, the EU watchdog. said.

It stated the companies may have concurred not to poach each. other's employees which these practices might have been. assisted in by Delivery Hero's minority share in Glovo.

Online food delivery is a fast-growing sector, where we. must safeguard competitors, EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager. said in a statement.

Shipment Hero said it was totally working together with the. Commission and devoted to meeting all compliance and. regulatory requirements.

The business included that it stays fully on track to satisfy. its FY 2024 assistance, with significant more boost in. profitability in 2025 and beyond.

Business risk fines as much as 10% of their worldwide annual. turnover for EU antitrust violations.

(source: Reuters)