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Venture Global announces an expansion of Plaquemines LNG Plant worth $18 billion

Venture Global announced on Thursday that it will increase the production capacity of the Plaquemines LNG Plant in Louisiana from 27 million tonnes per year (mtpa) to 45 mtpa with an additional $18 billion investment.

The company had raised earlier that day its estimate for the initial phases of Plaquemines construction by about $2 billion.

The third phase expansion of the LNG plant will add 24 trains to the existing 36, bringing Venture Global's investment in current and future projects in Louisiana up to $75 billion. CEO Mike Sable stated that.

After the first production of its CP2 Export Plant in Louisiana, the company will make a final decision about the expansion.

Due to the lengthy testing and optimization process prior to commercial operation, the company has been locked in contract disputes over non-receipts of cargoes at its Calcasieu Pass.

(source: Reuters)