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CERAWEEK - US approves Delfin LNG Export Permit Extension

Chris Wright, the Energy Secretary of the United States, said Monday at CERAWeek's energy conference in Houston that the U.S. had approved an extension of Delfin LNG’s free-trade permit.

Delfin has developed a floating liquefied gas project (LNG) off the coast Louisiana. The project could include four LNG plants that have a production capacity of 13,3 million metric tons per annum.

It is seeking to extend its export permit for five years to enable it to export LNG into countries without free trade agreements with United States. The delay in building the plants was attributed to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This is the fourth approval since President Barack Obama's pro-energy administration.

Donald Trump

The government came to power.

Wright expressed his pleasure at being a part of the deconstruction of Biden's energy policies.

The Biden administration by 2024

Paused approvals

The study will examine the economic and ecological impact of U.S. LNG growth. (Reporting and editing by Margueritachoy, Jarrett Renshaw, Timothy Gardner)

(source: Reuters)