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Regulator approves Cheniere Texas LNG plant expansion, says executive

A Cheniere Energy executive announced on Tuesday that U.S. regulators had approved the expansion of Cheniere Energy Corpus Christi's liquefied gas plant. Anatol Fygin, Chief Commercial Officer of the company, said that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission had approved the construction of Midscale trains 8 & 9 for the company. Cheniere, the U.S.'s largest LNG producer, played a major role in helping the U.S. become the world’s leading exporter of supercooled gas. Cheniere expects to increase its production of LNG at its Corpus Christi plant in Texas by 3 million metric tons per year with the addition of two new production trains. The plant has a current capacity of 15 million metric tons per year.

Cheniere is building Stage 3 at its Corpus Christi facility. Stage 3 will increase production by 10 million metric tons per year. Cheniere requested approval from FERC to build the Midscale expansion in March 2023. The approval was given on Monday by Feygin.

The U.S. needs FERC approval to build LNG plants. (Reporting and editing by Simon Webb, Nia Williams, and Curtis Williams)

(source: Reuters)