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Iran purchased feed barley at a tender this week according to traders

European traders reported on Friday that Iranian state-owned animal feeding importer SLAL may have bought animal feed barley at an international tender seeking 120,000 metric tonnes this week.

Estimates ranged between 100,000 and 250.000 tons for the volume of barley purchased.

The tenders also requested up to 120,000 tonnes of feed corn, and 60,000 tonnes of soymeal. However, deals with regional trading companies in the Middle East or Black Sea cannot be ruled out.

All grains were to be shipped in March and/or April. Barley could be sourced from either the European Union, Russia or Ukraine, as well as other countries in the Black Sea Region, including Turkey and Kazakhstan.

The reports reflect the assessments of traders, and it is still possible to estimate prices and volume later. Michael Hogan is reporting.

(source: Reuters)